=================== Developer Interface =================== This documentation covers the public interfaces fedmsg provides. Unless otherwise noted, all documented interfaces follow `Semantic Versioning 2.0.0`_. If the interface you depend on is not documented here, it may change without warning in a minor release. .. _api-python: Python ====== .. _api-send-receive: Sending and Receiving Messages ------------------------------ .. automodule:: fedmsg :members: init, destroy, publish, tail_messages .. autoclass:: fedmsg.consumers.FedmsgConsumer .. _api-config: Configuration ------------- .. automodule:: fedmsg.config :members: load_config, build_parser, execfile .. _api-crypto: Cryptography and Message Signing -------------------------------- .. automodule:: fedmsg.crypto :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Message Encoding ---------------- .. automodule:: fedmsg.encoding :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autofunction:: fedmsg.encoding.dumps .. autofunction:: fedmsg.encoding.pretty_dumps SQLAlchemy Encoding Utilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: fedmsg.encoding.sqla :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: "Natural Language" Representation of Messages --------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: fedmsg.meta :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autodata:: processors .. automodule:: fedmsg.meta.base :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Replay ------ .. automodule:: fedmsg.replay :members: check_for_replay, get_replay The fedmsg Protocol =================== fedmsg uses `ZeroMQ Publish-Subscribe`_ (PUBSUB) sockets for the messages sent by :func:`fedmsg.publish` and the messages received by :func:`fedmsg.tail_messages` or by way of the Moksha Hub-Consumer approach. .. warning:: The message format described below is *not* part of the public API at this time. The published ZeroMQ message consists of a multi-part message of exactly two frames, formatted on the wire as follows: * Frame 0: The message topic against which subscribers will perform a binary comparison. * Frame 1: The JSON-serialized, UTF-8 encoded message. .. _ZeroMQ Publish-Subscribe: https://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:29/PUBSUB/ .. _semantic versioning 2.0.0: http://semver.org/