Developer Interface

This documentation covers the public interfaces fedmsg provides. Unless otherwise noted, all documented interfaces follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. If the interface you depend on is not documented here, it may change without warning in a minor release.


Sending and Receiving Messages

Federated Message Bus Client API


Initialize an instance of fedmsg.core.FedMsgContext.

The config is loaded with fedmsg.config.load_config() and updated by any keyword arguments. This config is used to initialize the context object.

The object is stored in a thread local as fedmsg.__local.__context.

fedmsg.destroy(*args, **kw)[source]

Destroy a fedmsg context

fedmsg.publish(*args, **kw)[source]

Send a message over the publishing zeromq socket.

>>> import fedmsg
>>> fedmsg.publish(topic='testing', modname='test', msg={
...     'test': "Hello World",
... })

The above snippet will send the message '{test: "Hello World"}' over the <topic_prefix>.dev.test.testing topic. The fully qualified topic of a message is constructed out of the following pieces:


This function (and other API functions) do a little bit more heavy lifting than they let on. If the “zeromq context” is not yet initialized, fedmsg.init() is called to construct it and store it as fedmsg.__local.__context before anything else is done.

An example from Fedora Tagger – SQLAlchemy encoding

Here’s an example from fedora-tagger that sends the information about a new tag over org.fedoraproject.{dev,stg,prod}.fedoratagger.tag.update:

>>> import fedmsg
>>> fedmsg.publish(topic='tag.update', msg={
...     'user': user,
...     'tag': tag,
... })

Note that the tag and user objects are SQLAlchemy objects defined by tagger. They both have .__json__() methods which fedmsg.publish() uses to encode both objects as stringified JSON for you. Under the hood, specifically, .publish uses fedmsg.encoding to do this.

fedmsg has also guessed the module name (modname) of it’s caller and inserted it into the topic for you. The code from which we stole the above snippet lives in fedoratagger.controllers.root. fedmsg figured that out and stripped it down to just fedoratagger for the final topic of org.fedoraproject.{dev,stg,prod}.fedoratagger.tag.update.

Shell Usage

You could also use the fedmsg-logger from a shell script like so:

$ echo "Hello, world." | fedmsg-logger --topic testing
$ echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | fedmsg-logger --json-input
  • topic (unicode) – The message topic suffix. This suffix is joined to the configured topic prefix (e.g. org.fedoraproject), environment (e.g. prod, dev, etc.), and modname.
  • msg (dict) – A message to publish. This message will be JSON-encoded prior to being sent, so the object must be composed of JSON- serializable data types. Please note that if this is already a string JSON serialization will be applied to that string.
  • modname (unicode) – The module name that is publishing the message. If this is omitted, fedmsg will try to guess the name of the module that called it and use that to produce an intelligent topic. Specifying modname explicitly overrides this behavior.
  • pre_fire_hook (function) – A callable that will be called with a single argument – the dict of the constructed message – just before it is handed off to ZeroMQ for publication.
fedmsg.tail_messages(*args, **kw)[source]

Subscribe to messages published on the sockets listed in endpoints.

  • topic (six.text_type) – The topic to subscribe to. The default is to subscribe to all topics.
  • passive (bool) – If True, bind to the endpoints sockets instead of connecting to them. Defaults to False.
  • **kw – Additional keyword arguments. Currently none are used.

tuple – A 4-tuple in the form (name, endpoint, topic, message).


For the list of configuration options, see the Configuration documentation.

class fedmsg.config.FedmsgConfig[source]

The fedmsg configuration dictionary.

To access the actual configuration, use the conf instance of this class.

fedmsg.config.conf = {}

The fedmsg configuration dictionary. All valid configuration keys are guaranteed to be in the dictionary and to have a valid value. This dictionary should not be mutated. This is meant to replace the old load_config() API, but is not backwards-compatible with it.

fedmsg.config.load_config(extra_args=None, doc=None, filenames=None, invalidate_cache=False, fedmsg_command=False, disable_defaults=False)[source]

Setup a runtime config dict by integrating the following sources (ordered by precedence):

  • defaults (unless disable_defaults = True)
  • config file
  • command line arguments

If the fedmsg_command argument is False, no command line arguments are checked.

fedmsg.config.build_parser(declared_args, doc, config=None, prog=None)[source]

Return the global argparse.ArgumentParser used by all fedmsg commands.

Extra arguments can be supplied with the declared_args argument.

fedmsg.config.execfile(fname, variables)[source]

This is builtin in python2, but we have to roll our own on py3.

Cryptography and Message Signing

fedmsg.crypto - Cryptographic component of fedmsg.


In general, we assume that ‘everything on the bus is public’. Even though all the zmq endpoints are firewalled off from the outside world with iptables, we do have a forwarding service setup that indiscriminantly forwards all messages to anyone who wants them. (See fedmsg.commands.gateway.gateway for that service.) So, the issue is not encrypting messages so they can’t be read. It is up to sensitive services like FAS to not send sensitive information in the first place (like passwords, for instance).

However, since at some point, services will respond to and act on messages that come across the bus, we need facilities for guaranteeing a message comes from where it ought to come from. (Tangentially, message consumers need a simple way to declare where they expect their messages to come from and have the filtering and validation handled for them).

There should also be a convenient way to turn crypto off both globally and locally. Justification: a developer may want to work out a bug without any messages being signed or validated. In production, certain senders may send non-critical data from a corner of Fedora Infrastructure in which it’s difficult to sign messages. A consumer of those messages should be allowed to ignore validation for those and only those expected unsigned messages

Two backend methods are available to accomplish this:

  • fedmsg.crypto.x509
  • fedmsg.crypto.gpg

Which backend is used is configured by the crypto_backend configuration value.


To accomplish message signing, fedmsg must be able to read certificates and a private key on disk in the case of the fedmsg.crypto.x509 backend or to read public and private GnuPG keys in the came of the fedmsg.crypto.gpg backend. For message validation, it only need be able to read the x509 certificate or gpg public key. Exactly which certificates are used are determined by looking up the certname in the certnames config dict.

We use a large number of certs for the deployment of fedmsg. We have one cert per service-host. For example, if we have 3 fedmsg-enabled services and each service runs on 10 hosts, then we have 30 unique certificate/key pairs in all.

The intent is to create difficulty for attackers. If a low-security service on a particular box is compromised, we don’t want the attacker automatically have access to the same certificate used for signing high-security service messages.

Furthermore, attempts are made at the sysadmin-level to ensure that fedmsg-enabled services run as users that have exclusive read access to their own keys. See the Fedora Infrastructure SOP for more information (including how to generate new certs/bring up new services).

Routing Policy

Messages are also checked to see if the name of the certificate they bear and the topic they’re routed on match up in a routing_policy dict. Is the build server allowed to send messages about wiki updates? Not if the routing policy has anything to say about it.


By analogy, “signature validation is to authentication as routing policy checks are to authorization.”

If the topic of a message appears in the routing_policy, the name borne on the certificate must also appear under the associated list of permitted publishers or the message is marked invalid.

If the topic of a message does not appear in the routing_policy, two different courses of action are possible:

  • If routing_nitpicky is set to False, then the message is given the green light. Our routing policy doesn’t have anything specific to say about messages of this topic and so who are we to deny it passage, right?
  • If routing_nitpicky is set to True, then we deny the message and mark it as invalid.

Typically, you’ll deploy fedmsg with nitpicky mode turned off. You can build your policy over time as you determine what services will be sending what messages. Once deployment of fedmsg reaches a certain level of stability, you can turn nitpicky mode on for enhanced security, but by doing so you may break certain message paths that you’ve forgotten to include in your routing policy.


By convention, configuration values for fedmsg.crypto are kept in /etc/fedmsg.d/, although technically they can be kept in any config dict in /etc/fedmsg.d (or in any of the config locations checked by fedmsg.config).

The cryptography routines expect the following values to be defined:

For general information on configuration, see fedmsg.config.

Module Contents

fedmsg.crypto encapsulates standalone functions for:

  • Message signing.
  • Signature validation.
  • Stripping crypto information for view.

See fedmsg.crypto.x509 and fedmsg.crypto.gpg for implementation details.


Initialize the crypto backend.

The backend can be one of two plugins:

  • ‘x509’ - Uses x509 certificates.
  • ‘gpg’ - Uses GnuPG keys.
fedmsg.crypto.sign(message, **config)[source]

Insert two new fields into the message dict and return it.

Those fields are:

  • ‘signature’ - the computed message digest of the JSON repr.
  • ‘certificate’ - the base64 certificate or gpg key of the signator.

Strip credentials from a message dict.

A new dict is returned without either signature or certificate keys. This method can be called safely; the original dict is not modified.

This function is applicable using either using the x509 or gpg backends.

fedmsg.crypto.validate(message, **config)[source]

Return true or false if the message is signed appropriately.

fedmsg.crypto.validate_signed_by(message, signer, **config)[source]

Validate that a message was signed by a particular certificate.

This works much like validate(...), but additionally accepts a signer argument. It will reject a message for any of the regular circumstances, but will also reject it if its not signed by a cert with the argued name.

Message Encoding

fedmsg messages are encoded as JSON.

Use the functions fedmsg.encoding.loads(), fedmsg.encoding.dumps(), and fedmsg.encoding.pretty_dumps() to encode/decode.

When serializing objects (usually python dicts) with fedmsg.encoding.dumps() and fedmsg.encoding.pretty_dumps(), the following exceptions to normal JSON serialization are observed.

  • datetime.datetime objects are correctly converted to seconds since the epoch.
  • For objects that are not JSON serializable, if they have a .__json__() method, that will be used instead.
  • SQLAlchemy models that do not specify a .__json__() method will be run through fedmsg.encoding.sqla.to_json() which recursively produces a dict of all attributes and relations of the object(!) Be careful using this, as you might expose information to the bus that you do not want to. See Cryptography and Message Signing for considerations.
fedmsg.encoding.loads(s, encoding=None, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw)[source]

Deserialize s (a str or unicode instance containing a JSON document) to a Python object.

If s is a str instance and is encoded with an ASCII based encoding other than utf-8 (e.g. latin-1) then an appropriate encoding name must be specified. Encodings that are not ASCII based (such as UCS-2) are not allowed and should be decoded to unicode first.

object_hook is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decode (a dict). The return value of object_hook will be used instead of the dict. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting).

object_pairs_hook is an optional function that will be called with the result of any object literal decoded with an ordered list of pairs. The return value of object_pairs_hook will be used instead of the dict. This feature can be used to implement custom decoders that rely on the order that the key and value pairs are decoded (for example, collections.OrderedDict will remember the order of insertion). If object_hook is also defined, the object_pairs_hook takes priority.

parse_float, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal).

parse_int, if specified, will be called with the string of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser for JSON integers (e.g. float).

parse_constant, if specified, will be called with one of the following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN, null, true, false. This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers are encountered.

To use a custom JSONDecoder subclass, specify it with the cls kwarg; otherwise JSONDecoder is used.


Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.

>>> JSONEncoder().encode({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
'{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}'

Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.

>>> JSONEncoder().encode({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
'{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}'

SQLAlchemy Encoding Utilities

fedmsg.encoding.sqla houses utility functions for JSONifying sqlalchemy models that do not define their own .__json__() methods.

Use at your own risk. fedmsg.encoding.sqla.to_json() will expose all attributes and relations of your sqlalchemy object and may expose information you not want it to. See Cryptography and Message Signing for considerations.

fedmsg.encoding.sqla.expand(obj, relation, seen)[source]

Return the to_json or id of a sqlalchemy relationship.

fedmsg.encoding.sqla.to_json(obj, seen=None)[source]

Returns a dict representation of the object.

Recursively evaluates to_json(…) on its relationships.

“Natural Language” Representation of Messages

fedmsg.meta handles the conversion of fedmsg messages (dict-like json objects) into internationalized human-readable strings: strings like "nirik voted on a tag in tagger" and "lmacken commented on a bodhi update."

The intent is to use the module 1) in the fedmsg-irc bot and 2) in the gnome-shell desktop notification widget. The sky is the limit, though.

The primary entry point is fedmsg.meta.msg2repr() which takes a dict and returns the string representation. Portions of that string are in turn produced by fedmsg.meta.msg2title(), fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(), and fedmsg.meta.msg2link().

Message processing is handled by a list of MessageProcessors (instances of fedmsg.meta.base.BaseProcessor) which are discovered on a setuptools entry-point. Messages for which no MessageProcessor exists are handled gracefully.

The original deployment of fedmsg in Fedora Infrastructure uses metadata providers/message processors from a plugin called fedmsg_meta_fedora_infrastructure. If you’d like to add your own processors for your own deployment, you’ll need to extend fedmsg.meta.base.BaseProcessor and override the appropriate methods. If you package up your processor and expose it on the fedmsg.meta entry-point, your new class will need to be added to the fedmsg.meta.processors list at runtime.

End users can have multiple plugin sets installed simultaneously.

exception fedmsg.meta.ProcessorsNotInitialized[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

fedmsg.meta.conglomerate(messages, subject=None, lexers=False, **config)[source]

Return a list of messages with some of them grouped into conglomerate messages. Conglomerate messages represent several other messages.

For example, you might pass this function a list of 40 messages. 38 of those are git.commit messages, 1 is a bodhi.update message, and 1 is a badge.award message. This function could return a list of three messages, one representing the 38 git commit messages, one representing the bodhi.update message, and one representing the badge.award message.

The subject argument is optional and will return “subjective” representations if possible (see msg2subjective(…)).

Functionality is provided by fedmsg.meta plugins on a “best effort” basis.


A decorator to protect against message structure changes.

Many of our processors expect messages to be in a certain format. If the format changes, they may start to fail and raise exceptions. This decorator is in place to catch and log those exceptions and to gracefully return default values.


A decorator to protect against message structure changes.

Many of our processors expect messages to be in a certain format. If the format changes, they may start to fail and raise exceptions. This decorator is in place to catch and log those exceptions and to gracefully return default values.


Initialize all of the text processors.

You’ll need to call this once before using any of the other functions in this module.

>>> import fedmsg.config
>>> import fedmsg.meta
>>> config = fedmsg.config.load_config([], None)
>>> fedmsg.meta.make_processors(**config)
>>> text = fedmsg.meta.msg2repr(some_message_dict, **config)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent(msg, processor=None, **config)[source]

Return the single username who is the “agent” for an event.

An “agent” is the one responsible for the event taking place, for example, if one person gives karma to another, then both usernames are returned by msg2usernames, but only the one who gave the karma is returned by msg2agent.

If the processor registered to handle the message does not provide an agent method, then the first user returned by msg2usernames is returned (whether that is correct or not). Here we assume that if a processor implements agent, then it knows what it is doing and we should trust that. But if it does not implement it, we’ll try our best guess.

If there are no users returned by msg2usernames, then None is returned.

fedmsg.meta.msg2avatars(msg, **config)[source]

Return a dict mapping of usernames to avatar URLs.

fedmsg.meta.msg2emails(msg, **config)[source]

Return a dict mapping of usernames to email addresses.

fedmsg.meta.msg2icon(msg, **config)[source]

Return a primary icon associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2lexer(msg, processor=None, **config)[source]

Return a Pygments lexer able to parse the long_form of this message.

Return a URL associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2long_form(msg, **config)[source]

Return a ‘long form’ text representation of a message.

For most message, this will just default to the terse subtitle, but for some messages a long paragraph-structured block of text may be returned.

fedmsg.meta.msg2objects(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of objects associated with a message.

“objects” here is the “objects” from english grammar.. meaning, the thing in the message upon which action is being done. The “subject” is the user and the “object” is the packages, or the wiki articles, or the blog posts.

Where possible, use slash-delimited names for objects (as in wiki URLs).

fedmsg.meta.msg2packages(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of package names associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2processor(msg, **config)[source]

For a given message return the text processor that can handle it.

This will raise a fedmsg.meta.ProcessorsNotInitialized exception if fedmsg.meta.make_processors() hasn’t been called yet.

fedmsg.meta.msg2repr(msg, **config)[source]

Return a human-readable or “natural language” representation of a dict-like fedmsg message. Think of this as the ‘top-most level’ function in this module.

fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon(msg, **config)[source]

Return a secondary icon associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2subjective(msg, **config)[source]

Return a human-readable text representation of a dict-like fedmsg message from the subjective perspective of a user.

For example, if the subject viewing the message is “oddshocks” and the message would normally translate into “oddshocks commented on ticket #174”, it would instead translate into “you commented on ticket #174”.

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(msg, **config)[source]

Return a ‘subtitle’ or secondary text associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2title(msg, **config)[source]

Return a ‘title’ or primary text associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of FAS usernames associated with a message.

fedmsg.meta.processors = ProcessorsNotInitialized('You must first call fedmsg.meta.make_processors(**config)',)
class fedmsg.meta.base.BaseConglomerator(processor, internationalization_callable, **conf)[source]

Bases: object

Base Conglomerator. This abstract base class must be extended.

fedmsg.meta “conglomerators” are similar to but different from the fedmsg.meta “processors”. Where processors take a single message are return metadata about them (subtitle, a list of usernames, etc..), conglomerators take multiple messages and return a reduced subset of “conglomerate” messages. Think: there are 100 messages where pbrobinson built 100 different packages in koji – we can just represent those in a UI somewhere as a single message “pbrobinson built 100 different packages (click for details)”.

This BaseConglomerator is meant to be extended many times over to provide plugins that know how to conglomerate different combinations of messages.

can_handle(msg, **config)[source]

Return true if we should begin to consider a given message.

conglomerate(messages, subject=None, lexers=False, **conf)[source]

Top-level API entry point. Given a list of messages, transform it into a list of conglomerates where possible.

static list_to_series(items, N=3, oxford_comma=True)[source]

Convert a list of things into a comma-separated string.

>>> list_to_series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
'a, b, and 2 others'
>>> list_to_series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], N=4, oxford_comma=False)
'a, b, c and d'
matches(a, b, **config)[source]

Return true if message a can be paired with message b.

merge(constituents, subject, **config)[source]

Given N presumably matching messages, return one merged message

classmethod produce_template(constituents, subject, lexers=False, **config)[source]

Helper function used by merge. Produces the beginnings of a merged conglomerate message that needs to be later filled out by a subclass.

select_constituents(messages, **config)[source]

From a list of messages, return a subset that can be merged

skip(message, **config)[source]
class fedmsg.meta.base.BaseProcessor(internationalization_callable, **config)[source]

Bases: object

Base Processor. Without being extended, this doesn’t actually handle any messages.

Processors require that an internationalization_callable be passed to them at instantiation. Internationalization is often done at import time, but we handle it at runtime so that a single process may translate fedmsg messages into multiple languages. Think: an IRC bot that runs #fedora-fedmsg, #fedora-fedmsg-es, #fedora-fedmsg-it. Or: a twitter bot that posts to multiple language-specific accounts.

That feature is currently unused, but fedmsg.meta supports future internationalization (there may be bugs to work out).

agent = NotImplemented
avatars(msg, **config)[source]

Return a dict of avatar URLs associated with a message.

conglomerate(messages, **config)[source]

Given N messages, return another list that has some of them grouped together into a common ‘item’.

A conglomeration of messages should be of the following form:

  'subtitle': 'relrod pushed commits to ghc and 487 other packages',
  'link': None,  # This could be something.
  'icon': 'https://that-git-logo',
  'secondary_icon': 'https://that-relrod-avatar',
  'start_time': some_timestamp,
  'end_time': some_other_timestamp,
  'human_time': '5 minutes ago',
  'usernames': ['relrod'],
  'packages': ['ghc', 'nethack', ... ],
  'topics': [''],
  'categories': ['git'],
  'msg_ids': {
      '2014-abcde': {
          'subtitle': 'relrod pushed some commits to ghc',
          'title': 'git.receive',
          'link': 'http://...',
          'icon': 'http://...',
      '2014-bcdef': {
          'subtitle': 'relrod pushed some commits to nethack',
          'title': 'git.receive',
          'link': 'http://...',
          'icon': 'http://...',

The telltale sign that an entry in a list of messages represents a conglomerate message is the presence of the plural msg_ids field. In contrast, ungrouped singular messages should bear a singular msg_id field.

conglomerators = None
emails(msg, **config)[source]

Return a dict of emails associated with a message.

handle_msg(msg, **config)[source]

If we can handle the given message, return the remainder of the topic.

Returns None if we can’t handle the message.

icon(msg, **config)[source]

Return a “icon” for the message.

lexer(msg, **config)[source]

Return a pygments lexer that can be applied to the long_form.

Returns None if no lexer is associated.

Return a “link” for the message.

long_form(msg, **config)[source]

Return some paragraphs of text about a message.

objects(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of objects associated with a message.

packages(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of package names associated with a message.

secondary_icon(msg, **config)[source]

Return a “secondary icon” for the message.

subjective(msg, subject, **config)[source]

Return a “subjective” subtitle for the message.

subtitle(msg, **config)[source]

Return a “subtitle” for the message.

title(msg, **config)[source]
topic_prefix_re = None
usernames(msg, **config)[source]

Return a set of FAS usernames associated with a message.


Compat shim for el7.


fedmsg.replay.check_for_replay(name, names_to_seq_id, msg, config, context=None)[source]

Check to see if messages need to be replayed.

  • name (str) – The consumer’s name.
  • names_to_seq_id (dict) – A dictionary that maps names to the last seen sequence ID.
  • msg (dict) – The latest message that has arrived.
  • config (dict) – A configuration dictionary. This dictionary should contain, at a minimum, two keys. The first key, ‘replay_endpoints’, should be a dictionary that maps name to a ZeroMQ socket. The second key, ‘io_threads’, is an integer used to initialize the ZeroMQ context.
  • context (zmq.Context) – The ZeroMQ context to use. If a context is not provided, one will be created.

A list of message dictionaries.

Return type:


fedmsg.replay.get_replay(name, query, config, context=None)[source]

Query the replay endpoint for missed messages.

  • name (str) – The replay endpoint name.
  • query (dict) –

    A dictionary used to query the replay endpoint for messages. Queries are dictionaries with the following any of the following keys:

    • ’seq_ids’: A list of int, matching the seq_id attributes of the messages. It should return at most as many messages as the length of the list, assuming no duplicate.
    • ’seq_id’: A single int matching the seq_id attribute of the message. Should return a single message. It is intended as a shorthand for singleton seq_ids queries.
    • ’seq_id_range’: A two-tuple of int defining a range of seq_id to check.
    • ’msg_ids’: A list of UUIDs matching the msg_id attribute of the messages.
    • ’msg_id’: A single UUID for the msg_id attribute.
    • ’time’: A tuple of two timestamps. It will return all messages emitted in between.
  • config (dict) – A configuration dictionary. This dictionary should contain, at a minimum, two keys. The first key, ‘replay_endpoints’, should be a dictionary that maps name to a ZeroMQ socket. The second key, ‘io_threads’, is an integer used to initialize the ZeroMQ context.
  • context (zmq.Context) – The ZeroMQ context to use. If a context is not provided, one will be created.

A generator that yields message dictionaries.

Return type:


The fedmsg Protocol

fedmsg uses ZeroMQ Publish-Subscribe (PUBSUB) sockets for the messages sent by fedmsg.publish() and the messages received by fedmsg.tail_messages() or by way of the Moksha Hub-Consumer approach.


The message format described below is not part of the public API at this time.

The published ZeroMQ message consists of a multi-part message of exactly two frames, formatted on the wire as follows:

  • Frame 0: The message topic against which subscribers will perform a binary comparison.
  • Frame 1: The JSON-serialized, UTF-8 encoded message.