========= Changelog ========= v1.1.0 ====== Deprecations ------------ * Using URLs for the CA and CRL settings (``ca_cert_location`` and ``crl_location`` respectively) is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use filesystem paths instead. Features -------- * Allow the CA and CRL configuration options to be file paths (`#484 `_). * All configuration settings now have defaults and validators (`#488 `_). * Strengthen "legacy protection" in fedmsg.meta by catching KeyErrors (`#493 `_). Bug fixes --------- * Remove the duplicate dependency on ``cryptography`` from the main install requires (`#486 `_). * Adjust the x509 signing API to return text instead of bytes (`#495 `_). Development improvements ------------------------ * Alter how the tests determine if cryptography is available to work better with old versions of pyOpenSSL (`#482 `_). 1.0.1 ===== Bug fixes --------- * Fix an issue where messages replayed from datagrepper always failed signature validation despite having valid signatures (`#477 `_). * Fix a Python 3 incompatibility where the downloading the certificate revocation list crashed when attempting to write the file (`#478 `_). Development improvements ------------------------ * Several loggers now use their full module path as their logger name rather than just "fedmsg" (`#479 `_). Many thanks to all our contributors for this release: * Jeremy Cline * Chaitanya Kukde 1.0.0 ===== Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * The ``--daemon`` option for all fedmsg commands that was deprecated in 0.19.0 has been removed. We recommend using your operating system's init system instead. `systemd unit files `_ are available in the git repository (`#470 `_). * Python 2.6 is no longer supported (`#469 `_). Features -------- * Python 3.4+ is now supported. In order to use x509 certificates to sign and verify messages, you will need `cryptography v1.6+ `_ and `pyOpenSSL v16.1+ `_. These can be installed with pip via ``pip install fedmsg[crypto_ng]`` (`#449 `_). * The fedmsg documentation has been re-organized (`#453 `_). Development Improvements ------------------------ * The m2crypto unit tests were being skipped when the cryptography library was missing. This is no longer the case (`#446 `_). * All usage of the nose library has been removed from the tests and the dependency on nose has been removed (`#448 `_). * ``click`` has been added as a test dependency (`#452 `_). * Test coverage increased from 54.72% to 58.82% * Several improvements to the tox.ini file (`#458 `_). Many thanks to all our contributors for this release: * Lumír 'Frenzy' Balhar * Ralph Bean * Jeremy Cline * Chenxiong Qi 0.19.1 ====== 0.19.1 is a bug fix release that addresses several critical regressions introduced in 0.19.0. Bug fixes --------- * Fix an issue where messages failed validation because the message certificate and signature were unicode objects (`#456 `_). * Fix an issue where message bodies were not deserialized from JSON before being passed to a consumer because the message bodies were unicode objects (`#464 `_). * Fix an issue where messages never got passed to the consumer because the message pre-processing caused an unhandled exception (`#462 `_). Many thanks to the contributors for this release: * Kamil Páral * Jeremy Cline * Patrick Uiterwijk * Ralph Bean * Ricky Elrod 0.19.0 ====== Deprecations ------------ * The ``--daemon`` option has been deprecated for all fedmsg commands and will be removed in a future release. We recommend using your operating system's init system instead. `systemd units and SysV init scripts `_ are available in the git repository (`#434 `_). Features -------- * A new command, ``fedmsg-signing-relay``, has been added that signs messages prior to relaying them (`#409 `_). * A new command, ``fedmsg-check``, can be used to check whether or not the expected fedmsg producers and consumers are running (`#416 `_). * If the message contains a ``headers`` key, these are placed in the message body (`#437 `_). * It is now possible to use `cryptography `_ and `pyOpenSSL `_ rather than m2crypto (`#421 `_). * The ircbot's URL shortener service is now configurable (`#430 `_). Bug fixes --------- * Fix an issue where an ``AttributeError`` wasn't actually raised when calling ``fedmsg.publish`` before initializing the Moksha hub and using a non-ZeroMQ publishing mechanism (`#412 `_). * The default configuration was missing the ``topic_prefix`` key (`#431 `_). Development Improvements ------------------------ * fedmsg is now PEP-8 compliant ( `#414 `_, `#421 `_, `#422 `_). * `Tox `_ is used to enforce PEP-8, build the documentation, and run the tests with multiple versions of Python (`#417 `_). * The test suite is now run with `pytest `_ rather than nose. (`#417 `_). * Code coverage history is now tracked with `codecov.io `_. Many thanks to all our contributors for this release: * Elan Ruusamäe * Pravin Chaudhary * Ralph Bean * Jeremy Cline 0.18.4 ====== Bugs ---- * Fix an issue introduced in 0.18.3 where monitoring sockets were not being created in the fedmsg relay (`#433 `_) 0.18.3 ====== Features -------- * The ``environment`` configuration key is no longer restricted to ``dev``, ``stg``, and ``prod``. It now must be an alphanumeric string (`#406 `_). Bug fixes --------- * fedmsg-logger --json-input can now handle multi-line json (`#392 `_). * Update the documentation on publishing to mention the ``endpoints`` configuration (`#394 `_). * Start re-branding the library so it's not Fedora-specific (`#391 `_). * Ensure fedmsg-relay doesn't run producers (`#395 `_). * Remove keys added by datagrepper from messages retrieved from the backlog (`#402 `_). Development Improvements ------------------------ * Fix a mock used by the test suite (`#405 `_). 0.18.2 ====== This is a security release which addresses CVE-2017-1000001. Bug fixes --------- * Fixes an issue in the validation logic of the base consumer which caused child consumers to not validate the authenticity of messages (`5c21cf88a `_). 0.18.1 ------ Bug fixes --------- * Only check for STOMP messages after decoding any ZMQMessage (`#393 `_). Development Improvements ------------------------ * Remove test cases for old versions of the Python six library. fedmsg only supports six-1.9 or greater (`#390 `_). 0.18.0 ====== Features -------- * Cascade IRC connections (`#374 `_). * Get fedmsg-hub working on STOMP (`#380 `_). * Raise the resource limit on open files for fedmsg-hub (`#381 `_). * Add SSL support to irc bot (`#386 `_). Bug fixes --------- - Return earlier when validate_signatures is turned off (`#388 `_). Documentation Improvements -------------------------- * Remove the out-dated status page from the documentation (`#375 `_). * Make the introduction less Fedora specific (`#377 `_). * Update the necessary dependencies in the Development section (`#385 `_). * Document turning off validation for other buses (`#387 `_). Development Improvements ------------------------ - Turn testing Python 2.6 in Travis on (`#382 `_). Older Changes ============= For older changes, consult the `old changelog `_.