Source code for fedmsg.meta.base

# This file is part of fedmsg.
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
# fedmsg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# fedmsg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with fedmsg; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Authors:  Ralph Bean <>
#           Luke Macken <>

import abc
import re
import time

import six

[docs]def add_metaclass(metaclass): """ Compat shim for el7. """ if hasattr(six, 'add_metaclass'): return six.add_metaclass(metaclass) else: # Do nothing. It's not worth it. return lambda klass: klass
[docs]class BaseProcessor(object): """ Base Processor. Without being extended, this doesn't actually handle any messages. Processors require that an ``internationalization_callable`` be passed to them at instantiation. Internationalization is often done at import time, but we handle it at runtime so that a single process may translate fedmsg messages into multiple languages. Think: an IRC bot that runs #fedora-fedmsg, #fedora-fedmsg-es, #fedora-fedmsg-it. Or: a twitter bot that posts to multiple language-specific accounts. That feature is currently unused, but fedmsg.meta supports future internationalization (there may be bugs to work out). """ # These six properties must be overridden by child-classes. # They can be used by applications to give more context to messages. If # the BodhiProcessor can handle a message, then our caller's code can use # these attributes to say "btw, this message is from Bodhi, the Fedora # update system. It lives at # and you can read more about it at" __name__ = None __description__ = None __link__ = None __docs__ = None __obj__ = None __icon__ = None # An automatically generated regex to match messages for this processor __prefix__ = None conglomerators = None topic_prefix_re = None def __init__(self, internationalization_callable, **config): self._ = internationalization_callable if not self.__name__: raise ValueError("Must declare a __name__") if not self.__description__: raise ValueError("Must declare a __description__") if not self.__link__: raise ValueError("Must declare a __link__") if not self.__docs__: raise ValueError("Must declare a __docs__") if not self.__obj__: raise ValueError("Must declare a __obj__") # Build a regular expression used to match message topics for us # A subclass may hardcode what topic prefix they are expecting (the # fedora plugin hardcodes fedora and the debian hardcodes debian). For # backwards-compatibility reasons, if the subclassing plugin does not # hardcode a topic_prefix, then the global one is taken from config. if not self.topic_prefix_re: self.topic_prefix_re = config['topic_prefix_re'] self.__prefix__ = re.compile('^%s\.(%s)(\.(.*))?$' % ( self.topic_prefix_re, self.__name__.lower())) if self.conglomerators is None: self.conglomerators = [] self.conglomerator_objects = [] for i, conglomerator_class in enumerate(self.conglomerators): conglomerator = conglomerator_class(self, self._, **config) self.conglomerator_objects.append(conglomerator)
[docs] def conglomerate(self, messages, **config): """ Given N messages, return another list that has some of them grouped together into a common 'item'. A conglomeration of messages should be of the following form:: { 'subtitle': 'relrod pushed commits to ghc and 487 other packages', 'link': None, # This could be something. 'icon': 'https://that-git-logo', 'secondary_icon': 'https://that-relrod-avatar', 'start_time': some_timestamp, 'end_time': some_other_timestamp, 'human_time': '5 minutes ago', 'usernames': ['relrod'], 'packages': ['ghc', 'nethack', ... ], 'topics': [''], 'categories': ['git'], 'msg_ids': { '2014-abcde': { 'subtitle': 'relrod pushed some commits to ghc', 'title': 'git.receive', 'link': 'http://...', 'icon': 'http://...', }, '2014-bcdef': { 'subtitle': 'relrod pushed some commits to nethack', 'title': 'git.receive', 'link': 'http://...', 'icon': 'http://...', }, }, } The telltale sign that an entry in a list of messages represents a conglomerate message is the presence of the plural ``msg_ids`` field. In contrast, ungrouped singular messages should bear a singular ``msg_id`` field. """ for conglomerator in self.conglomerator_objects: messages = conglomerator.conglomerate(messages, **config) return messages
[docs] def handle_msg(self, msg, **config): """ If we can handle the given message, return the remainder of the topic. Returns None if we can't handle the message. """ match = self.__prefix__.match(msg['topic']) if match: return match.groups()[-1] or ""
[docs] def title(self, msg, **config): if not msg['topic'].startswith('/topic/'): return '.'.join(msg['topic'].split('.')[3:]) return msg['topic']
[docs] def subtitle(self, msg, **config): """ Return a "subtitle" for the message. """ return ""
[docs] def subjective(self, msg, subject, **config): """ Return a "subjective" subtitle for the message. """ return ""
[docs] def long_form(self, msg, **config): """ Return some paragraphs of text about a message. """ return ""
[docs] def lexer(self, msg, **config): """ Return a pygments lexer that can be applied to the long_form. Returns None if no lexer is associated. """ return None
[docs] def icon(self, msg, **config): """ Return a "icon" for the message. """ return self.__icon__
[docs] def secondary_icon(self, msg, **config): """ Return a "secondary icon" for the message. """
[docs] def usernames(self, msg, **config): """ Return a set of FAS usernames associated with a message. """ return set()
# XXX - this is intentionally not stubbed out at the 'base' level of the # class inheritance hierarchy. In fedmsg/meta/, we check for # the existance of this method on the subclass and do something special if # it is absent (if it is unimplemented by the subclass). agent = NotImplemented
[docs] def packages(self, msg, **config): """ Return a set of package names associated with a message. """ return set()
[docs] def objects(self, msg, **config): """ Return a set of objects associated with a message. """ return set()
[docs] def emails(self, msg, **config): """ Return a dict of emails associated with a message. """ return dict()
[docs] def avatars(self, msg, **config): """ Return a dict of avatar URLs associated with a message. """ return dict()
[docs]class BaseConglomerator(object): """ Base Conglomerator. This abstract base class must be extended. fedmsg.meta "conglomerators" are similar to but different from the fedmsg.meta "processors". Where processors take a single message are return metadata about them (subtitle, a list of usernames, etc..), conglomerators take multiple messages and return a reduced subset of "conglomerate" messages. Think: there are 100 messages where pbrobinson built 100 different packages in koji -- we can just represent those in a UI somewhere as a single message "pbrobinson built 100 different packages (click for details)". This BaseConglomerator is meant to be extended many times over to provide plugins that know how to conglomerate different combinations of messages. """ def __init__(self, processor, internationalization_callable, **conf): self.processor = processor self._ = internationalization_callable
[docs] def conglomerate(self, messages, subject=None, lexers=False, **conf): """ Top-level API entry point. Given a list of messages, transform it into a list of conglomerates where possible. """ indices, constituents = self.select_constituents(messages, **conf) while constituents: for idx in reversed(indices): messages.pop(idx) entry = self.merge(constituents, subject, lexers=lexers, **conf) messages.insert(idx, entry) indices, constituents = self.select_constituents(messages, **conf) return messages
[docs] def skip(self, message, **config): # Skip ones that have already been squashed. if 'msg_ids' in message: return True # Skip ones we have no idea about if not self.can_handle(message, **config): return True return False
[docs] def select_constituents(self, messages, **config): """ From a list of messages, return a subset that can be merged """ for i, primary in enumerate(messages): if self.skip(primary, **config): continue # If we have one that looks good, find its siblings further down constituents = [] base = i + 1 for j, secondary in list(enumerate(messages))[base:]: if self.skip(secondary, **config): continue if self.matches(primary, secondary, **config): constituents.append((j, secondary)) # If we found any, then return them and expect to be called afresh if constituents: return zip(*[(i, primary)] + constituents) # If we're done, we're done. return None, None
[docs] def produce_template(cls, constituents, subject, lexers=False, **config): """ Helper function used by `merge`. Produces the beginnings of a merged conglomerate message that needs to be later filled out by a subclass. """ def _extract_timestamp(msg): value = msg['timestamp'] if hasattr(value, 'timetuple'): value = time.mktime(value.timetuple()) return value N = len(constituents) timestamps = [_extract_timestamp(msg) for msg in constituents] average_timestamp = sum(timestamps) / N # Avoid circular import import fedmsg.meta as fm # Optional, so, avoid importing it at the topmost level import arrow usernames = set(sum([ list(fm.msg2usernames(msg, **config)) for msg in constituents], [])) packages = set(sum([ list(fm.msg2packages(msg, **config)) for msg in constituents], [])) topics = set([msg['topic'] for msg in constituents]) categories = set([t.split('.')[3] for t in topics]) # Include metadata about constituent messages in the aggregate # msg_ids = dict([ (msg['msg_id'], { 'title': fm.msg2title(msg, **config), 'subtitle': fm.msg2subtitle(msg, **config), 'subjective': fm.msg2subjective(msg, subject=subject, **config), 'link': fm.msg2link(msg, **config), 'icon': fm.msg2icon(msg, **config), '__icon__': getattr( fm.msg2processor(msg, **config), '__icon__', None), 'secondary_icon': fm.msg2secondary_icon(msg, **config), 'usernames': fm.msg2usernames(msg, **config), 'packages': fm.msg2packages(msg, **config), 'objects': fm.msg2objects(msg, **config), 'long_form': fm.msg2long_form(msg, **config), }) for msg in constituents]) # If the user asks for it, stuff in a pygments lexer too! if lexers: for msg in constituents: msg_ids[msg['msg_id']]['lexer'] = fm.msg2lexer(msg, **config) return { 'start_time': min(timestamps), 'end_time': max(timestamps), 'timestamp': average_timestamp, 'human_time': arrow.get(average_timestamp).humanize(), 'msg_ids': msg_ids, 'usernames': usernames, 'packages': packages, 'topics': topics, 'categories': categories, 'icon': fm.msg2icon(constituents[0], **config), }
[docs] def list_to_series(items, N=3, oxford_comma=True): """ Convert a list of things into a comma-separated string. >>> list_to_series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) 'a, b, and 2 others' >>> list_to_series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], N=4, oxford_comma=False) 'a, b, c and d' """ if not items: return "(nothing)" # uniqify items + sort them to have predictable (==testable) ordering items = list(sorted(set(items))) if len(items) == 1: return items[0] if len(items) > N: items[N - 1:] = ["%i others" % (len(items) - N + 1)] first = ", ".join(items[:-1]) conjunction = " and " if oxford_comma and len(items) > 2: conjunction = "," + conjunction return first + conjunction + items[-1]
[docs] def can_handle(self, msg, **config): """ Return true if we should begin to consider a given message. """ pass
[docs] def matches(self, a, b, **config): """ Return true if message a can be paired with message b. """ pass
[docs] def merge(self, constituents, subject, **config): """ Given N presumably matching messages, return one merged message """ pass